January 12, 1959-April 26, 1968. This musical series ran semi regularly for almost ten seasons-sometimes weekly, sometimes biweekly, and sometimes as irregularly scheduled specials. All types of music were presented on the hour series; Donald Voorhees conducted the Bell Telephone Orchestra.
Christmas music of four nations is performed by songstress Rosemary Clooney, the Lennon Sisters, Opera stars, Lisa Della Casa and Giorgio Tozzi, the Little Singers Of Paris, 13-year-old violinist Penny Ambrose, and the Agnes de Mille Dance Theater. Thomas Mitchell is host for the one-hour live show.
Music From France
"Jeanette Isabella,"- Little Singers
"Angels We Have Heard On High,"- Little Singers
"Sleep Of The Child Jesus,"- Little Singers
"O, Holy Night,"- Lisa Della Casa, Little Singers
Music From England
"Deck The Halls,"- Lisa Della Casa
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen," "Good King Wenceslas,"- Giorgio Tozzi
"I Saw Three Ships,"- Lisa Della Casa, Giorgio Tozzi
"Coventry Carol,"- Lisa Della Casa, Giorgio Tozzi
Music From Austria
"O Tannenbaum,"- Rosemary Clooney
"Ave Maria,"- Penny Ambrose
Music From America
"Christmas Song"- Rosemary Clooney
"Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer,"- Lennon Sisters
"Jingle Bells," " Merry Little Christmas," "Night Before Christmas,"- Rosemary Clooney, Lennon Sisters
"Cherry Tree Carol,"- De Mille Dance Theater