Election day returns with coverage by ABC, NBC, CBS, WOR TV...William Scranton, George Romney, Pat Brown, Nelson Rockefeller, and Jacob Javits all win elections in their respective states.
Richard Nixon, Nelson Rockefeller, George Romney, and William Scranton run for Governor in their respective states of California, New York, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
Many television stations (WCBS, WNBC, WABC, Wor) coverage as channel flipping occurs during returns and live victory speeches and analysis of late returns.
Highlights: Walter Cronkite talks to Governor-Elect Pat Brown, Harry Reasoner, CBS News, local NYC returns with Robert Trout (WCBS-TV), Howard K. Smith, and Lisa Howard reporting for ABC News.
The RCA 50 Computer predicting the race.
Edwin Newman, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley, and John Chancellor reporting for NBC News. Heard are victory speeches to the press from Nelson Rockefeller, Ted Kennedy. Pat Brown interviewed and we hear from Richard Nixon who is losing his race.
Governor William Scranton of Pennsylvania gives a victory speech.