September 20, 1978-December 27, 1978. The only live prime-time entertainment show of the 1978-1979 season, this hour variety series was hosted by Dick Clark. Scheduled guests include Aretha Franklin, Milton Berle, Charo, Tom Jones, David Steinberg and photographer Francesco Scavullo. Highlights include Charo singing "Ole," and Francesco introducing four models he thinks will be stars.
September 20, 1978-December 27, 1978. The only live prime-time entertainment show of the 1978-1979 season, this hour variety series was hosted by Dick Clark. Scheduled guests include Johnny Mathis, Neil Sedaka, Buddy Hackett, Harvey Korman, comedian David Frye, ABBA and photographer Francesco Scavullo. Highlights include Buddy and Harvey saluting famous Hollywood duos; David performing his set at the Comedy Store; and Francesco introducing four models he thinks will be stars.