A one-hour musical version adapted from the classic O'Henry Christmas story, set in New York in1905, about an impoverished young couple who sacrifice their most precious personal treasures to buy Christmas gifts for the other. This early video taped musical contains seven original songs by Richard Adler.
Narrated by Eli Wallach.
"The Name's the Same"...............Howes, MacRae
"He's a Company Man".................Office Staff
"Christmas in Your Heart"..............Howes
"My Sugar is the Salt of the Earth"............Quartet
"A Better Worde Than Love"......................MacRae
"What to Do?".....................................Howes
"It's Much Too Nice to Cut"...................Howes, Osterwald
This CBS TV musical broadcast was the very first to be presented on VIDEO TAPE. It remains a "lost" broadcast.
A Sheaffer Pen Company Special Presentation.