October 15, 1973-January 28, 1982. An hour-long talk show hosted by Tom Snyder. Network television's first entry into late-late-night programming on weeknights Monday thru Thursday, usually broadcasting on tape 1 AM to 2 AM. "Tomorrow" was expanded to 90 minutes on September 16, 1980.
"Mugging" - Its effect on the victim as well as the perpetrator is the theme of the show.
Tom Synder states that in New York City there is a victim of a crime on any given day effecting one in 35 people living in NYC.
Guests include Jim Willwerth, author of "Jones: Portrait of A Mugger." Also appearing is psychotherapist, Louise Cooper. In the studio Snyder discusses mugging techniques with two muggers Bobby Smith, and Raymond Johnson. Via a remote unit in Bryant Park two third street crime detectives discuss the use of decoys to catch muggers in the act.