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11 records found for Joan Baez
1963-08-28, VARIED, 150 min.
- Anthony Quinn
- Frank McGee
- Jackie Robinson
- Martin Agronsky
- Howard K. Smith
- Lena Horne
- Dick Gregory
- Charlton Heston
- Paul Newman
- Burt Lancaster
- Marlon Brando
- Robert Ryan
- Ray Scherer
- Ed Silverman
- Gregory Peck
- Sammy Davis Jr.
- Tony Franciosa
- Harry Belafonte
- Sidney Poitier
- Marian Anderson
- Bob Dylan
- James Baldwin
- Camilla Williams
- Martin Luther King
- Roy Wilkens
- Lisa Howard
- James Farmer
- Strom Thurmond
- Richard Bates
- Eil Abel
- Robert McCormack
- Norman Thomas
- Jim Groden
- Russ Ward
- Joe Michaels
- Steve Cochran
- Ruby Dee
- Patrick ODoyle
- Daisy Bates
- Rosa Parks
- Floyd McKissick
- Walter Reuther
- A. Philip Randolph
- Joan Baez
SPECIAL REPORTS RECORDED ARE INTERLACED IN THESE AUDIO AIR CHECKS THROUGHOUT THE DAY, STATIONS INTERRUPTING REGULAR PROGRAMMING, IN REAL TIME, AS EVENTS OCCUR. BROADCAST HEARD FROM WINS RADIO NEWS, ABC TELEVISION, WNBC RADIO, AND NBC TELEVISION. COVERAGE BEGINS AT 9:30 AM EASTERN STANDARD TIME. On the day of this unprecedented extraordinary March on Washington, an estimated quarter of a million demonstrators planned to gather a the Washington Monument in the nation's capital. People from all walks of life and distances are taking part in a Jobs and Freedom March sponsored by six major civil-rights groups in the country. their goal: "A massive, peaceful and democratic demonstration as evidence of he need for the Federal government to take action on civil rights." Howard K. Smith and Richard Bates report at the Lincoln Memorial. Ed Silverman reports on the parade march passing the White House, describing different groups who are marching. Jackie Robinson is heard...reports regarding the strength of the crowd now reaching 100,000 people...Eli Abel reports. Robert McCormack reports on Marian Anderson, singer. Advertisements for Freedom Land and the new Jerry Lewis show, and The Sunday Night Movie are heard. Frank McGee reports on the crowds as they reach the Lincoln Memorial. Ray Scherer at the Lincoln Memorial waiting for leaders to arrive anticipates the program will start at 1:30 pm. He describes details of the program. Martin Agronsky reports and interviews Norman Thomas of the Socialist Party, who praises the March. Richard Bates interviews Burt Lancaster. ABC NEWS journalist Lisa Howard interviews James Baldwin at the Washington Monument. He states that this day is a turning point, and that "Americans will grow up." Report on the many buses arriving with people who are heard singing, "We Shall Overcome." At 11:20 am an up to the hour report from Jim Groden. Russ Ward interviews Marlon Brando at the Lincoln Memorial (recorded earlier). Joe Michaels reports observations from a Mobile Unit during drive around the surrounding area of Washington D.C. Dick Gregory speaks to the crowd. Bob Dylan, Joan Baez sing the spiritual song, "Hold ON." Burt Lancaster at the microphone..."The hour which we came approaches." He reads a scroll consisting of 1,500 supporters of the March. Announcements of the names of the speakers who will preside shortly are stated. Introduction of Harry Belafonte who reads some of the names on the scroll, including Marlon Brando, Tony Franciosa, Sammy Davis Jr., Steve Cochran, Robert Ryan, Sidney PoitIer, Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn, Paul Newman, Charlton Heston, Lena Horne, Ruby Dee, others. Harry Belafonte reads the pledge in its entirety, called "FREEDOM FOR ALL-THE AMERICAN DREAM." Marlon Brando is interviewed and states that "...all of us have been remiss in not voicing out..." On the podium Philip Randolph speaks, and introduces Camilla Williams who sings the National Anthem. Invocation by Patrick O'Doyle who states, "This is the largest demonstration in the history of this nation." Additional reports from different stations. Miss Daisy Bates gives a special award to Rosa Parks. Walter Reuther speaks, as well as Floyd McKissick, National Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality...speaking for James Farmer who is in prison. Senator Strom Thurmond from South Carolina voices his opinions...thinks that the March on Washington is unnecessary! Howard K. Smith gives a commentary. Richard Bates reports, stating that the rally should wind up at around 4:40 pm. Freedom song is heard, "Freedom is Worth Shouting About." Mahalia Jackson sings a song requested by Dr. Martin Luther King, "I've Been Duped and I've Been Scared." A. Philip Randolph speaks abut the movement and those individuals whom have been devoted to the cause. Introduction of "moral leader of our nation," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who gives his iconic 16 minute "I Have a Dream" speech.
Order1963-08-28, WGBH, 900 min.
- Jackie Robinson
- John F. Kennedy
- Mahalia Jackson
- Dick Gregory
- Burt Lancaster
- Marlon Brando
- Harry Belafonte
- Hubert Humphrey
- Ralph Abernathy
- Marian Anderson
- Odetta
- Bob Dylan
- Joan Baez
- Arthur Miller
- Camilla Williams
- John Lewis
- Paul Douglas
- Fred Shuttlesworth
- Kenneth Keating
- James Farmer
- Roy Wilkins
- Daisy Bates
- Floyd McKissick
- Walter Reuther
- A. Philip Randolph
- Whitney Young
- George Geesey
- Peter Paul & Mary
- George W. Goodman
- Bayard Rustin
- John A. Volpe
- Noman Thomas
- Ralph Bunche
- Len Chandler
- Stuart Scharf
- Eugene Carson Blake
- Eva Jessye Choir
- Joachim Prinz
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Benjamin E. Mays
- G. Mennen Williams
- Robert Rodeen
- Isaiah Minkoff
- Thomas Adwl Queener
- Frank Abram Hale
- Eliabeth Davis
- Bill Cavness
- William Higgs
- Bob Genest
- Josephine Baker
THE MARCH ON WASHINGTON FOR JOBS AND FREEDOM - 1963 LIVE BROADCAST FROM THE EDUCATIONAL RADIO NETWORK (ERN). This 15 hour treasure of archived programming, retained by WGBH, has been processed, refined, improved with continuity (extraneous master material eliminated), by Phil Gries. The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was originally broadcast live across the Educational Radio Network (known as ERN, a precursor to NPR which established itself in 1971) on August 28, 1963. The coverage began at 9am and continued for 15 uninterrupted hours, until Midnight. The live broadcast was heard on 89.7 WGBH Boston Public Radio, a member of the network and an active participant in the broadcast. INCLUDED IN THE DAYS EVENTS AND RECORDED: 9am-10am-Introduction by anchor George Geesey, who reports from various locations by ERN staff. Pre-program entertainment from the stage at the Washington Monument grounds. 10am-11am-Interviews with participants, music from the stage Joan Baez, Peter, Paul & Mary, and Odetta. Segment also includes various interviews including with George W. Goodman, clergy from Acton, Mass., and an update from police headquarters. 11am-Noon-Bob Dylan sings. Comments from Bayard Rustin, Jackie Robinson. President John F Kennedy press conference clips, various on-the-spot interviews with marchers. Noon to 1:00pm-Reports of the actual March, along with pre-recorded "reflections" on the meaning of the march by Roy Wilkins. Pre-recorded interview with John A. Volpe, former Massachusetts governor. Interview with Norman Thomas. 1:00pm-2:00pm-Interview with Marlon Brando. Pre-recorded interviews with Senator Paul Douglas (D-IL), Senator Kenneth Keating (R-NY), Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, Josephine Baker, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, Dr Ralph Bunche, and Dick Gregory. Bob Dylan sings Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Len Chandler and Stuart Scharf sing, "Keep Your Eyes On The Prize." Interviews with Burt Lancaster and Harry Belafonte. 2:00pm-4:15pm - THE OFFICIAL PROGRAM OF THE MARCH: Camilla Williams sings The National Anthem. A. Philip Randolph introduction. Daisy Bates speaks. Dr. Eugene Carson Blake remarks. Marion Anderson sings. John Lewis speaks. Walter Reuther remarks. James Farmer (imprisoned) remarks read by Floyd McKissick). Eva Jessye Choir perform. Whitney Young remarks. Roy Wilkins speaks Mahalia Jackson sings. Rabbi Joachim Prinz remarks. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. introduction by A. Philip Randolph. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaks. Bayard Rustin reads demands. A. Philip Randolph reads pledge. Dr. Benjamin E Mays of Morehouse College gives closing benediction. 4:15pm-5:30pm-Demonstrators leaving, clean-up logistics, singing replays of Bayard Rustin reading the list of demands and A. Philip Randolph reading the march pledge, pre-recorded comments by James Farmer, recorded interview with Senator Hubert Humphrey, recorded report with G. Mennen Williams, pre-recorded report form Voice of America reporter Robert Rodden, Isaiah Minkoff interview, follow-up on earlier report of food poisoning pre-recorded statement from Louis Fox. 5:30pm-6:30pm-Commentaries on the march, problems of dispersal, pre-recorded telephone interview with Arthur Miller, live interview with Thomas Adel Queener (Ghana), discussion with psychiatrists Dr. Frank Abram Hale and Dr. Elizabeth Davis, press conference on White House meeting of top 10 march leaders with President John F. Kennedy. 6:30pm-7;00pm-Myron Spencer reports the news "Backgrounds." Myron Spence, director of the graduate school of business at Northeastern University with guest Dr. William C Kvaraceus, director of youth studies at the Lincoln Filenes Center and professor of education at Tufts University. 7:00pm-9:00pm-WGBH's Bill Cavness introduces excerpts from the afternoon's official ceremony from the Lincoln Memorial. 9:00pm-10:30pm-Panel discussion on the implications of the Freedom March on Washington. Moderator Geoffrey Godsell, editorial writer for The Christian Science Monitor, with his guests, Heywood Burns, author of "The Voices of Negro Protest in America", William Higgs, civil rights consultant and representative of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee on the Leadership Conference of Civil Rights, and William Goldsmith, assistant professor of politics at Brandies University. 10:30pm-11:00pm-Reflections on The March by ERN reporters who covered it. Anchor George Geesey with Malcolm Davis, Arnold Shaw, Al Hulsen, Cal Mositer, Jeff Giley, and David Edwards. Bob Medgar Evers, Charles P. McLean, director of public relations for the E.O. Elks, and Massachusetts Attorney General, Edward Brook. 11:00-Midnight- One hour WGBH News retrospective. NOTE: The original archived complete 15 hour broadcast was recorded on 10 reels of 1/4" tape. WGBH took the lead related to coverage, though it was basically hosted out of Washington, D.C. This affiliate station was more stable than many of the others which were run mostly by college students. There are many compromised audio issues in the archived reels. Performances on stage in many cases were recorded at much lower volumes and many speeches were recorded "off mike." Similar issues related to the volume exist when reporters at the scene are talking and then vast changes in volume are heard when switching to anchors who would report on follow up details and the dissemination of events that were happening and scheduled to occur. The original recordings in some cases were poorly recorded in the first place at the time of the live broadcast. Whomever was controlling the sound mix of the varied broadcast audio feeds allowed, at times, for the ambiance of the crowd to overpower a performer on stage. There existed at the time during transfers, dubbing, etc. other recording issues related to the archived tapes themselves which created level inconsistencies. Also, it must be remembered that THE EDUCATIONAL RADIO NETWORK at that time were comprised of NOT seasoned and experienced professionals like some of the other personnel employees working at the major networks. Many of the above issues, related above, have been improved by Phil Gries after many hours of equalizing and remastering the entire broadcast. What now exists as archived at Archival Television Audio, the best version known to exist.
1967-10-16, CBS, 6 min.
Folk singer Joan Baez protests the Vietnam war and is arrested.
1967-10-17, WBAI, 64 min.
Featured in this Radio Pacifica Special: Police brutality against anti-war demonstrators A round-table discussion with anti-war critics of our Vietnam involvement, an interview with folk singer Joan Baez
1968-03-25, CBS, 29 min.
- Walter Cronkite
- Harry Reasoner
- Lyndon Johnson
- Eric Sevareid
- Richard Nixon
- Roger Mudd
- Thurston Morton
- Nelson Rockefeller
- Joan Baez
- David Harris
Harry Reasoner subbing for Cronkite. Nelson Rockefeller speaks about his position on the "68 elections President Johnson press conference and statement Nixon's reaction Roger Mudd interviews Thurston Morton Israel attacks Jordon, losses on both sides New offensives in Saigon, 336 US killed during the Tet offensive South Vietnam increases Army numbers President Johnson persists with "Peace with honor" in Vietnam, Dan Rather reports Fugitive captured talks candidly to reporters Joan Baez marries a draft resistor, David Harris. Eric Sevareid with commentary on Rockefeller
1969-03-30, WCBS, 52 min.
February 5, 1967-June 8, 1969. "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour" was a breath of fresh air, but to CBS the Smothers Brothers seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong things to say.
When Tom Smothers failed to deliver one tape until a day before air time, CBS yanked the show and did not broadcast it until three weeks later (on that show, Joan Baez dedicated a song to her husband, David Harris, then serving a jail sentence for draft evasion).#11320: MERV GRIFFIN SHOW, THE
Order1969-08-20, CBS, 16 min.
October 1st, 1962-March 29th, 1963-NBC Daytime 1965-1969 Syndicated August 18th, 1969- February 11th, 1972- CBS 1972-1986- Syndicated. From August 18th, 1969- February 11th, 1972 Merv Griffin appeared in a late-night talk show format on CBS-TV. It's believed that all of his CBS talk shows were bulk-erased by the network. In 1972, Griffin returned to the syndication market where he remained until 1986. Guests: Walter Cronkite, Muhammad Ali, Walter Schirra, Joan Baez, Wayne Cochran.
Order1971-03-12, SYN, 40 min.
July 7, 1969-July 14, 1972 (SYNDICATED). During the three-year run of his American talk show, David Frost taped the show (approximately 750 programs) each week, Monday through Thursdays. The series was syndicated by Westinghouse. Guest Joan Baez discusses her objections to the United States penal system and why people become criminals. Audience participation becomes heated at times questioning Baez' points of view which deals with her philosophy of love to others regardless of their offenses. There are parallel's to the atrocities that the United States government are perpetrating on innocent people in Viet Nam. She also discusses her goals and ambitions. Joan sings "Heaven Help Us All," and "Gabriel and Me." Joan's 8 month old son, Garbriel joins the show. Frost attempts to communicated with Gabriel who is quite responsive.
1972-05-12, NBC, min.
October 1, 1962-May 22, 1992. Johnny Carson, host of NBC's network late-night "Tonight Show" reigned for 30 unprecedented years...five times the combined tenure of Steve Allen, and Jack Paar. Carson was impervious to competition, including efforts to dethrone him by Les Crane, Joey Bishop, Merv Griffin, Dick Cavett, Jack Paar, Pat Sajak, Joan Rivers, and Arsenio Hall. Sadly, very few complete "Tonight Show" broadcasts survive during Johnny Carson's first ten years of broadcasting. Around 1965, through the early 1970's, oldest tapes were first erased systematically by orders from myopic NBC executives, to be recycled for purposes of saving money. Ironically, in many cases, these older master tapes were too brittle, and portended probable drop-outs for re-use after being erased. Subsequently blank after being erased, these older questionable master 2" Quad tapes were either sparingly used or never used again for recording new programming and eventually were discarded. Saving thousands of dollars at the time (wiping master tapes for potential re-use) resulted in losing millions of dollars by NBC in today's marketplace, and more importantly wiping thousands of historic TONIGHT SHOW broadcasts, which contain precious personal anecdotes from political, show business, and sports icons of the past.
Guests: David Frye, Joan Baez, Vincent Price, Sarah Kennedy. NOTE: This specific TONIGHT SHOW may only contain an opening monologue by Johnny Carson. Other content, as listed, will have to be monitored and confirmed upon your order request.#10024: JOAN BAEZ IN CONCERT.
Order1974-12-14, PBS, 60 min.
A one-woman concert with folk singer/guitarist Joan Baez.
1975-04-30, NBC, 90 min.
October 1, 1962-May 22, 1992. Johnny Carson, host of NBC's network late-night "Tonight Show" reigned for 30 unprecedented years...five times the combined tenure of Steve Allen, and Jack Paar. Carson was impervious to competition, including efforts to dethrone him by Les Crane, Joey Bishop, Merv Griffin, Dick Cavett, Jack Paar, Pat Sajak, Joan Rivers, and Arsenio Hall. Sadly, very few complete "Tonight Show" broadcasts survive during Johnny Carson's first ten years of broadcasting. Around 1965, through the early 1970's, oldest tapes were first erased systematically by orders from myopic NBC executives, to be recycled for purposes of saving money. Ironically, in many cases, these older master tapes were too brittle, and portended probable drop-outs for re-use after being erased. Subsequently blank after being erased, these older questionable master 2" Quad tapes were either sparingly used or never used again for recording new programming and eventually were discarded. Saving thousands of dollars at the time (wiping master tapes for potential re-use) resulted in losing millions of dollars by NBC in today's marketplace, and more importantly wiping thousands of historic TONIGHT SHOW broadcasts, which contain precious personal anecdotes from political, show business, and sports icons of the past.
Johnny Carson's guests are Robert Blake, Joan Baez, Susan Sarandon and Eubie Blake.