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18 records found for Larry Zbyszko
Order1974-07-28, WRGB, 59 min.
- Ed Sullivan
- Bruno Sammartino
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Haystacks Calhoun
- Valiant Brothers
- Nikolai Volkoff
- Tony Garea
- Fred Blassie
- Lou Albano
- Jim Valiant
- John Valiant
- Joe McHugh
- S.D. Jones
- Mike Wayne
- Killer Kowalski
- Wee Willie Webber
- Lee Wong
- Strong Kobayashi
- Dean Ho
- Ruja Woods
- John Tolos
- Thomas Marion
- Larry Zbyszko
- Gentleman Jim
- Ruben Ayala
"All Star Wrestling" was a WWWF television show which consisted of top-tier or mid-card opponents. Telecast in most markets weekly on Saturday mornings, 11:00am to Noon, the telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. Matches were held mostly at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Host, interviewer and blow by blow announcer: Vince McMahon Jr. On this early telecast there are five matches. Ring announcer is Joe McHugh. Freddie Blassie takes a bow at ringside. Tag team match number 1: S.D. Jones and Mike Wayne vs Killer Kowalski and Nikolai Volkoff who win in 6 minutes, 43 seconds. Match number 2: Lee Wong vs Strong Kobayashi who is declared the winner. At halftime Vince McMahon Jr. interviews Haystacks Calhoun, Dean Ho, and Tony Garea discussing upcoming three out of five, two hour time limit tag team match against the Grand Wizard, Killer Kowalski, and the Valiant Brothers (Handsome Jim and Luscious John) whom McMahon also interviews and their manager Lou Albano. Match number 3: Ruja Woods vs winner of this match, John Tolos in 2:06 minutes. Match number 4: Tag team match - Thomas Marion and Ed Sullivan vs winners Larry Zbyszko and Haystacks Calhoun in 7:21. Vince McMahon Jr. discusses the match in progress at ringside with Bruno Sammartino. Match number 5: Gentleman Jim and Ruben Ayala in a tag team match vs the tag team champions of the world the Valiant Brothers who win in 7:32. Vince McMahon invites his TV audience to tune in again next week for All Star Wrestling
Order1974-11-17, WRGB, 59 min.
- Bill White
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Bo Bo Brazil
- Big Bob Duncum
- Jose Gonzalez
- Gorilla Monsoon
- Joe McHugh
- S.D. Jones
- Larry Zbyszko
- Hans Schroeder
- Al Barr
- Grand Wizard Ernie Roth
- Valiant Brothers
- Jim Valiant
- Dennis Johnson
- Charles Richards
- Spiros Arion
- Bobby Duncum
- Chuck Richards
- Lou Albano
- Jack Evans
- Ricky Cortez
- Spiros Arion
Vince McMahon calls the matches of the World Wide Wrestling Federation from the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Ring announcer, Joe McHugh. Vince McMahon interviews include Cowboy Bob Duncum, Grand Wizard Ernie Roth, Larry Zbyszko, The Valiant Brothers, Gorilla Monsoon. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 11/17/74 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 10/2/74-original airdate 10/12/74) Vince McMahon opening Joe McHugh intro Hans Schroeder vs. Al Barr -commercials Jose Gonzalez vs. Bill White -commercials Promos for Albany 11/29/74 - Vince McMahon interviews Bobby Duncum & Grand Wizard / Larry Zbyszko / Lou Albano & Valiant Brothers -commercials Bobby Duncum vs. SD Jones & Dennis Johnson Vince McMahon ringside interview with Bobby Duncum & Grand Wizard -commercials Bobo Brazil vs. Jack Evans & Ricky Cortez -commercials Spiros Arion vs. Chuck Richards -commercials Vince McMahon interviews Gorilla Monsoon and closing
Order1974-11-24, WRGB, 57 min.
- Bill White
- Don Ho
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Jose Gonzalez
- Tony Garea
- Gorilla Monsoon
- Lou Albano
- Joe McHugh
- S.D. Jones
- Larry Zbyszko
- Jack Evans
- Jimmy Valiant
- Ricky Cortez
- Frank Hickey
- John Valiant
- Al Barr
- Valiant Brothers
- Dennis Johnson
- Spiros Arion
- The Valiant Brothers
- Haystack Calhoun
- Edgar Albano
- Chief Jay Strongbow
- Bobby Duncum
- Chuck Richards
- Tony Altimore
- Larry Zbyszko
Vince McMahon calls the matches of the World Wide Wrestling Federation. Joe McHugh ring announcer. McMahon interviews include Edgar Albano, Jimmy Valiant, Don Ho Gorilla Monsoon, Ton Garea, Larry Zbyszko, Haystack Calhoun and Chief J. Strongbow. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 11/24/74 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 10/2/74-original airdate 10/19/74) Intro Vince McMahon opening Joe McHugh intro Valiant Brothers vs. Jose Gonzalez & SD Jones -commercials Spiros Arion vs. Tony Altimore -commercials Promos for Albany 11/29/74 - Vince McMahon interviews Larry Zbyszko / Lou Albano & Valiant Brothers / Gorilla Monsoon -commercials Dean Ho & Tony Garea vs. “Spaceman” Frank Hickey & Ricky Cortez -commercials Bobby Duncum vs. Al Barr & Dennis Johnson -commercials Haystacks Calhoun & Chief Jay Strongbow vs. Jack Evans & Bill White -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Haystacks Calhoun & Chief Jay Strongbow and closing
Order1974-12-08, WRGB, 58 min.
- Bill White
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Tony Garea
- Gorilla Monsoon
- Lou Albano
- Joe McHugh
- Dean Ho
- Jimmy Valiant
- John Valiant
- Hans Schroeder
- Valiant Brothers
- Dennis Johnson
- Tom Stanton
- Joe Nova
- Jeff Rhodes
- Bob Duncum
- Jack Evans
- Larry Zbyszko
- Butcher Nova
- Jose Gonzalez
- Tony Vee
Vince McMahon calls the matches of the World Wide Wrestling Federation. Broadcast 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Sunday. McMahon interviews Tony Garea, Dean Ho, The Valiant Brothers, Lou Albano and Gorilla Monsoon. Ring Announcer is Joe McHugh. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 12/8/74 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 10/23/74-original airdate 11/2/74) Vince McMahon opening Joe McHugh intro Hans Schroeder vs. Jeff Rhodes -commercials Dean Ho & Tony Garea vs. Bill White & Dennis Johnson -commercials Promos for Albany 12/13/74 - Vince McMahon interviews Dean Ho & Tony Garea / Lou Albano & Valiant Brothers / Gorilla Monsoon -commercials Larry Zbyszko vs. Jack Evans -commercials Butcher Nova vs. Jose Gonzalez -commercials Bobby Duncum vs. Tom Stanton & Tony Vee -commercials Vince McMahon closing
Order1974-12-15, WRGB, 56 min.
- Bill White
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Jose Gonzalez
- Tony Garea
- Gorilla Monsoon
- Lou Albano
- Joe McHugh
- Dean Ho
- Larry Zbyszko
- Gentleman Jim
- Jack Evans
- John Valiant
- Valiant Brothers
- Jim Valiant
- Spiros Arion
- Dennis Albert
- Jeff Rhodes
- Bob Duncum
- The Patriot
- Butcher Nova
- Gentleman Jim
- Chief Jay Storngbow
Vince McMahon calls the matches of the World Wide Wrestling Federation. Broadcast 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Sunday. McMahon interviews include, The Valiant Brothers, Lou Albano, Gorilla Monsoon, Dean Ho, and Tony Garea. Ring announcer is Joe McHugh. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 12/15/74 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 10/23/74-original airdate 11/9/74) Intro Vince McMahon opening Joe McHugh intro Valiant Brothers vs. Larry Zbyszko & Dennis Albert -commercials Jack Evans vs. Jeff Rhodes -commercials Promos for Albany 12/27/74 - Vince McMahon interviews Dean Ho, Tony Garea & Gorilla Monsoon / Lou Albano & Valiant Brothers -commercials Bobby Duncum vs. Gentleman Jim -commercials Jose Gonzalez vs. The Patriot -commercials Chief Jay Strongbow & Spiros Arion vs. Butcher Nova & Bill White -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Chief Jay Strongbow & Spiros Arion & closing
Order1974-12-22, WRGB, 58 min.
- Bill White
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Tony Garea
- Gorilla Monsoon
- Lou Albano
- Killer Kowalski
- Dean Ho
- Larry Zbyszko
- Jimmy Valiant
- John Valiant
- Valiant Brothers
- Jeff Rhodes
- Bob Duncum
- Butcher Joe Nova
- Hans Schroder
- Grand Wizard
- SD Jones
- Jose Gonzalez
- Joe McHugh
Vince McMahon calls the matches of the World Wide Wrestling Federation. Broadcast 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Sunday. McMahon interviews Gorilla Monsoon, Dean Ho, Tony Garea, Bob Duncum, Lou Albano, Jimmy Valiant and John Valiant. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 12/22/74 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 11/13/74-original airdate 11/16/74) Intro Vince McMahon opening Joe McHugh intro Larry Zbyszko vs. Bill White -commercials Killer Kowalski vs. Jeff Rhodes -commercials Promos for Albany 12/27/74 - Vince McMahon interviews Dean Ho, Tony Garea & Gorilla Monsoon / Lou Albano & Valiant Brothers -commercials Bobby Duncum vs. Gentleman Jim & Dennis Albert Vince McMahon ringside interview with Grand Wizard & Bobby Duncum -commercials Valiant Brothers vs. Jose Gonzalez & SD Jones -commercials Dean Ho & Tony Garea vs. Butcher Nova & Hans Schroeder -commercials Vince McMahon closing
Order1974-12-29, WRGB, 57 min.
- Bill White
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Jose Gonzalez
- Joe McHugh
- S.D. Jones
- Larry Zbyszko
- Jack Evans
- Dennis Johnson
- Spiros Arion
- Jeff Rhodes
- The Patriot
- Butcher Joe Nova
- Hans Schroder
- Chief Jay Strongbow
- Lou Albano
- Freddie Blassie
- Tony Garea
- Valient Brothers
Vince McMahon calls the matches of the World Wide Wrestling Federation. Broadcast 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Sunday. McMahon interviews Gorilla Monsoon, Fred Blassie, Dean Ho, Tony Garea, Lou Albano, Jimmy Valiant, John Valiant, Valiant Brothers. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 12/29/74 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 11/13/74-original airdate 11/23/74) Intro Vince McMahon opening Joe McHugh intro Larry Zbyszko vs. Dennis Johnson -commercials Jeff Rhodes vs. The Patriot -commercials Promos for Albany 1/10/75 - Vince McMahon interviews Freddie Blassie / Dean Ho & Tony Garea / Lou Albano & Valiant Brothers -commercials Jose Gonzalez vs. Bill White -commercials Hans Schroeder vs. SD Jones -commercials Chief Jay Strongbow & Spiros Arion vs. Butcher Nova & Jack Evans -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Chief Jay Strongbow & Spiros Arion & closing
Order1977-01-30, WRGB, 53 min.
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Ken Patera
- Andre The Giant
- Johnny Rodz
- Stan Stasiak
- Pete Doherty
- Gorilla Monsoon
- Lou Albano
- Antonino Rocca
- S.D. Jones
- Larry Zbyszko
- Chief Jay Stongbow
- Pete McKay
- Jose Estrada
- Billy White Wolf
- Baron Von Raschkie
- Bob Backlund
- Frank Rodriguez
"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Vince McMahon Jr. calls the action. Antonino Rocca contributes anecdotal color commentary. Joined in Progress. NOTE: An unusual salute and biography of Ken Patera, via a prerecording is telecast, confirming the special prowess and accomplishments of "the strongest man in the world." It includes Patera stopping a truck. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 1/30/77 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 12/29/76-original airdate 1/1/77) Bob Backlund vs. Jose Estrada -commercials Baron Von Raschke vs. Frank Rodriguez (Gorilla Monsoon interview during the match) -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Stan Stasiak & Grand Wizard -commercials From Championship Wrestling 1/1/77: Ken Patera vs. SD Jones and interview with Patera -commercials From Championship Wrestling 1/1/77: Larry Zbyszko vs. Johnny Rodz -commercials Promo for Albany 2/4 - Vince McMahon interviews Chief Jay Strongbow & Billy White Wolf From Championship Wrestling 1/1/77: Andre the Giant vs. Pete McKay & Pete Doherty Vince McMahon & Antonino Rocca closing
Order1977-02-13, WRGB, 38 min.
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Johnny Rodz
- Carlos Rocha
- Tony Garea
- Antonino Rocca
- Larry Zbyszko
- Pete Austin
- Pete Austin
- Bob Backlund
- Pete Dougerty
- Silvano Sousa
- Baron Von Raschke
- Pete Doherty
- Carlos Rocha
"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Calling the matches at ringside are Vince McMahon Jr. and Antonino Rocca. Interviews include Tony Garea, Bob Backlund and Larry Zbyszko Joined in progress. Not complete. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 2/13/77 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 12/29/76-original airdate 1/15/77) -show joined in progress Tony Garea vs. Johnny Rodz - match joined in progress -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Tony Garea + Bob Backlund -commercials Bob Backlund vs. Pete Doherty -commercials Carlos Rocha vs. Sylvano Sousa Promo for Albany 2/18 - Vince McMahon interviews Larry Zbyszko + Tony Garea -commercials Baron Von Raschke vs. Pete Austin Vince McMahon & Antonino Rocca closing
Order1977-03-27, WRGB, 42 min.
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Ken Patera
- Johnny Rodz
- Gashouse Gilbert
- Tor Kamata
- Carlos Rocha
- Tony Garea
- Fred Blassie
- Antonino Rocca
- Joe McHugh
- Larry Zbyszko
- Baron Mikel Scicluna
- Frank Williams
- Pete Austin
- Steve King
- Bob Backlund
- Syhlvano Sousa
- Baron Von Rascke
"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Vince McMahon Jr. and Antonino Rocca call the matches at ringside. Joe McHugh is the ring announcer. Joined in progress. 42 minute excerpt. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 3/27/77 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 2/9/77-original airdate 2/26/77) -show joined in progress (ANTONINO ROCCA'S FINAL APPEARANCE ON "ALL STAR WRESLTING" PRIOR TO PASSING AWAY MARCH 15, 1977 AT 55 YEARS OF AGE OF). Ken Patera vs. Steve King & Pete Austin -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Grand Wizard, Stan Stasiak, Blassie & Tor Kamata -commercials Carlos Rocha vs. Sylvano Sousa -commercials Baron Von Raschke vs. Frank Williams Promo for Albany 4/1 - Vince McMahon interviews Larry Zbyszko & Tony Garea -commercials Bob Backlund, Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko vs. Doug Gilbert, Baron Mikel Scicluna & Johnny Rodz (Gorilla Monsoon interview during the match) Vince McMahon & Antonino Rocca closing Match #5 is a six man tag team match. Interviews include Tony Garea, Larry Zbyszko, Fred Blassie, Tor Kamata, and Stan Stasiak. At the end of the program Vince McMahon Jr. tells the home audience that there will not be ALL STAR WRESTLING for the next two weeks (April 3rd or 10th). NOTE: This would be the final telecast with Antonino Rocca who passed away at age 49 on March 15, 1977. It was originally tape recorded February 9, 1977.
Order1977-04-17, WRGB, 57 min.
- Billy Graham
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Ken Patera
- Tor Kamata
- Don Serrano
- Carlos Rocha
- Baron Von Raschke
- Fred Blassie
- Joe McHugh
- Larry Zbyszko
- Chief Jay Strongbow
- Bobby Schaeffer
- Frank Williams
- Mike Santacapito
- Billy White Wolf
- Bob Backlund
- Baron Mikel Scicluna
- Jay Strongbow
- Chief Billy White Wolf
- Gashouse Doug Gilbert
- Doug Gilbert
- Tony Garera
"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Calling the matches at ringside is Vince McMahon Jr. Ring announcer is Joe McHugh. Interviews include Fred Blassie, Baron Von Raschke, Chief Jay Strongbow, Chief Billy White Wolf. Match #5 is a six man tag team bout. WWWF All Star Wrestling 4/17/77 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 3/2/77-original airdate 3/19/77) Intro Vince McMahon opening Promo for Albany 4/29 - Vince McMahon interviews Baron Von Raschke & Freddie Blassie -commercials Joe McHugh intro Baron Von Raschke vs. Bob Schaefer -commercials Carlos Rocha vs. Mike Santocapito -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Chief Jay Strongbow & Billy White Wolf -commercials Superstar Billy Graham vs. Frank Williams -commercials Ken Patera vs. Don Serrano Promo for Albany 4/29 - Vince McMahon interviews Chief Jay Strongbow -commercials Larry Zbyszko, Tony Garea & Bob Backlund vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna, Doug Gilbert & Tor Kamata Vince McMahon closing
Order1977-05-01, WRGB, 58 min.
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Jose Gonzalez
- Johnny Rodz
- Tor Kamata
- Stan Stasiak
- Carlos Rocha
- Pete Doherty
- Tony Garea
- Fred Blassie
- Antonino Rocca
- S.D. Jones
- Larry Zbyszko
- Mikel Scicluna
- Johnny Rivera
- Jose Estrada
- Pete Austin
- Executioner #1
- Executioner #2
- Doug Gilbert
- Bob Backlund
- Baron Von Raschke
- Denny Alberts
- Jay Strongbow
- Michael Cappetta
- Lou Klein
- Johnny Davis
"Championship Wrestling" consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Vince McMahon Jr. and Antonino Rocca call the matches at ringside. Ring announcer is Gary Michael Cappetta. Interviews include Jay Strongbow, Fred Blassie, and Baron Von Raschke. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 5/1/77 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 2/8/77-original airdate 2/19/77) Intro Vince McMahon & Antonino Rocca opening Promo for Albany 5/13 - Vince McMahon interviews Chief Jay Strongbow -commercials Gary Michael Cappetta intro Bob Backlund & Tony Garea vs. Jose Estrada & Pete Doherty -commercials Doug Gilbert & Baron Mikel Scicluna vs. Lou Klein & Denny Alberts -commercials Johnny Rodz vs. Pete Austin -commercials Larry Zbyszko & Jose Gonzalez vs. Executioners -commercials Carlos Rocha vs. Johnny Davis Promo for Albany 5/13 - Vince McMahon interviews Baron Von Raschke & Freddie Blassie Tor Kamata & Stan Stasiak vs. SD Jones & Johnny Rivera Vince McMahon & Antonino Rocca closing
Order1977-05-16, HBO, 134 min.
- Billy Graham
- Bruno Sammartino
- Chief Jay Strongbow
- Ken Patera
- Vince McMahon
- Billy White Wolf
- Ivan Putski
- Nicolai Volkoff
- Gashouse Gilbert
- Stan Stasiak
- Carlos Rocha
- Jan Nelson
- Tony Garea
- Baron Von Raschke
- George Steele
- Gorilla Monsoon
- Rocky Tamayo
- Ron Mickolaczk
- Larry Zbyszko
Vince McMahon calls the matches of the World Wrestling Federation from Madison Square Garden in New York City. Bouts include, joined in progress, Carlos Rocha victory vs. Jan Nelson, Ron Mickolaczk (Debut at Madison Square Garden) victory vs. Gashouse Gilbert, Baron Von Raschke vs. Ivan Putski, fight to a draw, George "The Animal" Steele vs. victor Bruno Sammartino, Chief Jay Strongbow vs. Ken Patera, fight to a draw, World Heavyweight champion "Superstar" Billy Graham victorious vs. Gorilla Monsoon in a world title match, Indian Billy White Wolf victorious vs. "Rocky" Tamayo, Tony Garea and Larry Zbyszko take the first two matches, victorious, vs. Stan Stasiak and Nicolai Volkoff in a tag-team title match. NOTE: These early SPECIAL HBO WRESTLING telecasts were scheduled approximately once every month with ring "color commentator" announcer, Vince McMahon who interviews Billy Graham.
Order1977-05-22, WRGB, 56 min.
- Billy Graham
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Don Serrano
- Stan Stasiak
- Tony Garea
- George Steele
- Gorilla Monsoon
- Lou Albano
- S.D. Jones
- Larry Zbyszko
- Bobby Schaeffer
- Doug Gilbert
- Baron Von Rascke
- Frank Rodgiguez
- Frank Monroe
- Stan Newman
- Chief Peter Maivia
- Bill Burger
"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Vince McMahon Jr. call the matches from ringside. Joe McHugh is the ring announcer. Interviews include Lou Albano, and George Steele who becomes unmanageable. Gorilla Monsson discusses with Vince McMahon Jr. upcoming "Texas Death Match." Final match sees Billy Graham using a rare Double Bear Hug to win easily over Bill Burger and Bobby Schaeffer in 2min. 16sec. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 5/22/77 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 4/13/77-original airdate 4/23/77) Joe McHugh intro Baron Von Raschke & Stan Stasiak vs. SD Jones & Don Serrano -commercials George Steele vs. Frank Rodriguez -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Lou Albano & George Steele -commercials Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko vs. Doug Gilbert & Moose Monroe -commercials Peter Maivia vs. Stan Noonas Promo for Albany 5/27 - Vince McMahon interviews Lou Albano -commercials Superstar Billy Graham vs. Bill Berger & Bob Schaefer (Gorilla Monsoon joins for commentary during the match) Vince McMahon closing
Order1977-07-03, WRGB, 58 min.
- Billy Graham
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Jose Gonzalez
- Ivan Putski
- Johnny Rodz
- Don Serrano
- Nikolai Volkoff
- Tony Garea
- George Steele
- Lou Albano
- Joe McHugh
- Larry Zbyszko
- Grand Wizard
- Sylvano Sousa
- Pete McKay
- Rocky Tomayo
- Doug Gilbert
- Bob Backlund
- Chief Peter Maivia
- Buddy Wolfe
"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Vince McMahon Jr. calls the matches at ringside. Ring announcer is Joe McHugh Interviews include Lou Albano, George Steele, and Billy Graham. Final bout #5 is a six man curfew match. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 7/3/77 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 5/25/77-original airdate 6/4/77) Intro Vince McMahon opening Promo for Albany 7/8 - Vince McMahon interviews George Steele & Lou Albano -commercials Joe McHugh intro Peter Maivia vs. Nikolai Volkoff -commercials Ivan Putski vs. Pete McKay & Sylvano Sousa -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Superstar Billy Graham & Grand Wizard -commercials From Championship Wrestling 6/4/77: Bob Backlund vs. Buddy Wolfe -commercials George Steele vs. Don Serrano Promo for Albany 7/8 - Vince McMahon interviews Superstar Billy Graham & Grand Wizard -commercials Tony Garea, Larry Zbyszko & Jose Gonzalez vs. Doug Gilbert, Johnny Rodz & Rocky Tomayo Vince McMahon closing
Order1977-08-21, WRGB, 53 min.
- Billy Graham
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Stan Stasiak
- Pete Doherty
- Tony Garea
- Fred Blassie
- Lou Albano
- Joe McHugh
- Larry Zbyszko
- Rocky Tomayo
- Frank Williams
- Baron Mikel Sicluna
- Steve King
- Bob Backlund
- Frank Monroe
- Chief Peter Maivia
- Mr. Fugi
- Prof. Toru Tanaka
- Lenny Hurst
"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Vince McMahon Jr. calls the matches from ringside. Ring Announcer is Joe McHugh Interviews include Billy Graham, Lou Albano, and an extend interview between Vince McMahon Jr. and Chief Peter Maivia. Joined in progress during Match #1, a tag team between Frank Williams and Steve King against Professor Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fugi who win it in 5 minutes, 6 seconds. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 8/21/77 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 7/6/77-original airdate 7/23/77) -show joined in progress Mr. Fuji & Prof. Toru Tanaka vs. Frank Williams & Steve King - match joined in progress -commercials Bob Backlund vs. Rocky Tomayo -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Peter Maivia -commercials Peter Maivia vs. Moose Monroe -commercials Stan Stasiak vs. Lenny Hurst Promo for Albany 9/2/77 - Vince McMahon interviews Superstar Billy Graham & Grand Wizard -commercials Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna & Pete Doherty Vince McMahon closing
Order1977-08-28, WRGB, 59 min.
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Johnny Rodz
- Tony Garea
- Joe McHugh
- Larry Zbyszko
- Joe Turco
- Johnny Rivera
- Rocky Tomayo
- Billy Coleman
- Pete Austin
- Bob Backlund
- Chief Peter Maivia
- Mr. Fugi
- Prof. Toru Tanaka
"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Vince McMahon Jr. calls the matches at ringside. Ring announcer is Joe McHugh. Interviews include Billy Graham, Chief Jay Strongbow, The Grand Wizard (Ernie Roth) Fred Blassie, Professor Toru Tanaka, Mr. Fugi. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 8/28/77 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 7/27/77-original airdate 7/30/77) Intro Vince McMahon opening Promo for Albany 9/2 - Vince McMahon interviews Superstar Billy Graham & Grand Wizard -commercials Joe McHugh intro Peter Maivia vs. Joe Turco -commercials Mr. Fuji & Prof. Toru Tanaka vs. Johnny Rivera & Pete Austin -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Freddie Blassie, Mr. Fuji & Prof. Toru Tanaka Bob Backlund vs. BB Coleman -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Chief Jay Strongbow Promo for Albany 9/2 - Vince McMahon interviews Chief Jay Strongbow -commercials Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko vs. Rocky Tomayo & Johnny Rodz
Order1977-09-11, WRGB, 60 min.
- Billy Graham
- Vince McMahon Jr.
- Jose Gonzalez
- Ivan Putski
- Johnny Rodz
- Tony Garea
- Joe McHugh
- S.D. Jones
- Larry Zbyszko
- Jack Evans
- Grand Wizard
- Ernie Roth
- Chief Jay Strongbow
- Johnny Rivera
- Rocky Tomayo
- Jose Estrada
- Frank Rodriguez
- Frank Monroe
- Chief Peter Maivia
- Mr. Fugi
- Lenny Hurst
- Prof. Toru Tenaka
"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Vince McMahon Jr. calls the matches at ringside. Joe McHugh is the ring announcer. Interviews include Billy Graham, The Grand Wizard (Ernie Roth), Larry Zbyszko, Tony Garea, and Chief Jay Strongbow. -WWWF All Star Wrestling 9/11/77 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 7/27/77-original airdate 8/13/77) Intro Vince McMahon opening Promo for Albany 9/16 - Vince McMahon interviews Grand Wizard -commercials Joe McHugh intro Mr. Fuji & Prof. Toru Tanaka vs. Johnny Rivera & SD Jones -commercials Ivan Putski vs. Moose Monroe -commercials Vince McMahon ringside interview with Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko -commercials Johnny Rodz & Jack Evans vs. Jose Gonzalez & Lenny Hurst -commercials Peter Maivia vs. Rocky Tomayo Promo for Albany 9/16 - Vince McMahon interviews Chief Jay Strongbow -commercials Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko vs. Jose Estrada & Frank Rodriguez Vince McMahon closing