Theatrical and television producer David Susskind hosted this talk program consisting of a wide variety of topics. Each show centered around one topic consisting of four to seven guests. Occasionally, there would be one guest.
Host: David Susskind. Topic: "Is This TV season a Flop?"
Postponed from the previous week.
Various TV critics discuss this issue. They are Richard Doan, Ben Gross and John McPhee (New York) Terrence O'Flaherty (San Francisco) Laurence Laurent (Washington, D.C.) Terry Turner (Chicago) and Anthony La Camera (Boston).
Additional topics discussed include past television programs / anecdotes including "Playhouse 90: Requiem For A Heavyweight," ratings, effect of critics by TV viewers, and the dirth of serious television criticism by today's film critics.
First 44 minutes of the broadcast sans commercials.