November 7, 1954-April 20, 1961
September 15, 1963-
Host: Griffing Bancroft
William Hines jr (Washington Star),
Arthur Sylvester (Newark News),
Peter Lisagor (Chicago Daily News).
Eleanor Roosevelt attacks Middle Eastern foreign policy, discusses the Soviet Union and states that the world situation is not presently a good one, pointing out that here has been a failure of current American leadership.
Senator Margaret Chase Smith comments on the current crises in the Middle East, Yugoslavian leader Tito, Egyptian Prime Minister Nasser...latest news related to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles cancer diagnosis...her confidence that Herbert Hoover Jr. will be effective substituting for Dulles if necessary. Smith states that there is currently high prosperity in the USA and that President Eisenhower will be reelected for a second term as President.
NOTE: Roosevelt and Smith were the first two women to appear on "Face The Nation," on its second anniversary broadcast.