"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Host & narrator was Vince McMahon Jr. wtih Antonino Rocca.
During the fifth Scicluna vs Flores match the broadcast signal leaves the air for two ten second moments.
WWWF All Star Wrestling 10/19/75 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 8/27/75-original airdate 9/6/75)
Vince McMahon & Antonino Rocca opening
Joe McHugh intro
Ivan Putski vs. El Goucho & Johnny Heidemann
Ivan Koloff vs. Stan Lavdas
Promos for Albany 10/31 - Vince McMahon interviews Ivan Koloff & Lou Albano / Ivan Putski / Spiros Arion & Freddie Blassie
Bugsy McGraw w/ Albano vs. Buddy Porter
Superstar Billy Graham vs. Buzz Sawyer
Francisco Flores vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna
Vince McMahon & Antonino Rocca closing