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6 records found for Stokely Carmichael
1966-06-26, NBC, min.
NBC special on the civil rights march in Mississippi. Interviews with Dr. Martin Luther King, James Meredith, and Stokely Carmichael. Host: Frank McGee
1967-04-14, CBS, 10 min.
The Vietcong terrorize South Vietnamese villages, communists in London falsify US actions in Vietnam, Stokely Carmichael urges negroes not to go into Army, calls defense secretary Robert McNamara, a "racist honky." Morley Safer reports from London on the Vietnam war.
1967-04-14, CBS, 10 min.
The Vietcong terrorize South Vietnamese villages, communists in London falsify US actions in Vietnam, Stokely Carmichael urges negroes not to go into Army, calls defense secretary Robert McNamara, a "racist honky." Morley Safer reports from London on the Vietnam war.
1967-06-11, NBC, 32 min.
Speeches by Stokely Carmichael and others on the "Negro Revolution."Other speakers include Charles Evers and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The report focuses on how "black power" can be used. Floyd McKissick is also interviewed. Report on the nature of "black power" and how it can be effectively used. Interviewed is former SNCC head Stokley Carmichael, the man who coined the phrase. Also interviewed are Martin Luther King Jr., Floyd McKissick of CORE and Charles Evers, brother of murdered Medgar Evers, who practices the concept of "black power" in Mississippi, where he organizes voter registration efforts and economic boycotts. Reporter is Sander Vanocur. 32 minute excerpt. of one hour broadcast.
1967-12-03, ABC, 24 min.
- Fred Foy
- Lyndon Johnson
- Robert McNamara
- Stokely Carmichael
- Francis Spellman
- Julie Nixon
- David Eisenhower
- Eugene McCarthy
Voices in The Headlines was an American news program broadcast on ABC radio featuring the top news stories of the day. It was hosted by long-time radio and television announcer Fred Foy. A review of the week's top news stories: Defense Secretary McNamara resigns, the reaction from Capitol Hill, a report from Vietnam-212 GI's were killed last week, US officials think the US is winning the war, war crimes trial in Denmark-the US is found guilty of genocide, comment by Stokely Carmichael, Cardinal Francis Spellman has died, Senator Eugene McCarthy is seeking the Democratic nomination for president, possible "put-up" job by the RFK supporters to test the waters against President Johnson, Red China is denied membership in the UN,-the 18th year in a row, Turkey-Greece crisis over Cyprus, Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower announce their engagement. Narrator: Fred Foy. NOTE: Fred Foy, best known for his voicing the opening of THE LONE RANGER on radio joined the ABC TV announcing staff in New York in 1961. For ABC RADIO he narrated the award-winning news documentary, VOICES IN THE HEADLINES a 25-minute weekly wrap up of salient news events of the week with sound bites representing the news as it was recorded.
1968-04-05, CBS, 24 min.
- Pope Paul VI
- Walter Cronkite
- Lyndon Johnson
- Martin Luther King
- Eric Sevareid
- Dan Rather
- Roger Mudd
- Robert Kennedy
- John Hart
- Stokely Carmichael
- Ike Pappas
- Carl Stokes
- Steve Rowan
- Peter Burns
- Ralph Abernathy
- Bert Quint
- Jacqueline Kennedy
- Bill Plante
Steve Rowan from Washington, DC-Looting and rioting Dan Rather-Report on the president Ike Pappas- In Memphis, Tennessee- Details before Dr. King was shot. Bill Plante- Reporting from Memphis Peter Burns- With Dr. Ralph Abernathy John Hart- With Robert F. Kennedy- mindless violence. Also comments from Cleveland Mayor Carl Stokes plus world reaction from Pope Paul VI, Britain's Parliament, The Soviet Union and Stokely Carmichael. Comments from Robert Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy, and Carl Stokes, plus world reaction. Civil Rights Bill not passed, Bert Quint reports from Hanoi, Eric Sevareid with commentary on Dr. King. Host: Walter Cronkite. With commercials.