January 12, 1959-April 26, 1968. This musical series ran semi regularly for almost ten seasons-sometimes weekly, sometimes biweekly, and sometimes as irregularly scheduled specials. All types of music were presented on the hour series; Donald Voorhees conducted the Bell Telephone Orchestra.
"Portraits In Music" are painted by poet Carl Sandburg, musical-comedy stars Nanette Fabray and Julie Andrews, opera singers Victoria de los Angeles, and Brian Sullivan, and singer Earl Wrightson. To the music of Aaron Copeland's "A Lincoln Portrait,"
Sandburg reads from Lincoln's letters and speeches. Nanette Fabray offers a musical portrait of women during the past 75 years. The opera stars sing arias from Puccini's "La Boheme." Julie Andrews and Earl Wrightson duet songs from Sigmund Romberg operettas. Donald Voorhees conducts the Bell Telephone orchestra.
"Will You Remember?" "Come Boys, Let's Be Gay," "Song Of Love," "Marianne," "Lover Come Back To Me," "Riff Song," " One Alone," "Fireman's Bride," "Your Land And My Land," "Silver Moon"- Julie Andrews, Earl Wrightson.
"Mi Chiamano Mimi," "O Souve Fanciulla," - De los Angeles, Brian Sullivan
"My Gal, Sal," " Hot Time In The Old Town," "Beautiful Lady," "Every Little Movement," "Don't Bring Lulu," "Best Things In Life," "Sophisticated Lady," "Anything Goes," "Lili Marlene," "I'll Walk Alone," "There Is Nothing Like A Dame," "Cockeyed Optimist,"- Nanette Fabray.