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17 records found for William Anders
Order1960-01-31, CBS, 120 min.
- Henry Fonda
- Eric Sevareid
- Mary Martin
- Julie Andrews
- Rex Harrison
- Dick Van Dyke
- Shelley Berman
- Jackie Gleason
- Ethel Merman
- Arthur Godfrey
- Roger Bannister
- Mike Nichols
- Elaine May
- Betty Comden
- Adolph Green
- Suzy Parker
- Richard Avedon
- Charles Eames
- Ray Eames
- Leland Hayward
- Roy Camanella
- Kurt Carlsen
- William Anderson
- Edmund Hillary
A two hour SPECIAL (live, tape, film) as Television takes a look at the decade just ended, the 1950's, its very first. Henry Fonda is the host for this two hour show. Jackie Gleason's career is reviewed and he performs the "Sid, Old Kid" number from his Broadway musical "Take Me Along." Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews present "My Fair Lady" songs. Rex: "I'm an Ordinary Man," Julie: "Just You Wait." Shelley Berman, and Mike Nichols and Elaine May, comedians who were introduced in the Fifties, lampoon psychiatry. Dick Van Dyke pantomimes dance crazes of the decade. His partner for this comedy sequence is Maria Karnilova. Betty Comden and Adolph Green satirize cultural developments of the Fifties. Suzy Parker represents the American woman in "The Creature," a film sequence created by Richard Avedon. Charles and Ray Eames also have contributed film features. Television and Movies are highlighted in clips from outstanding productions, including memorable the Mary Martin-Ethel Merman TV Show produced by Leland Hayward, who also has produced tonight's show. Excerpts from records illustrate music of the fifties. News Events of the decade are recalled by eyewitnesses. The voices of these men are heard: Arthur Godfrey, sports stars Roy Campanella, and Roger Bannister, sea captain Kurt Carlsen, submarine camp;ain William Anderson, explorer Edmund Hillary. Eric Sevareid provides commentary during the show, which consists of live, tape, and film elements.
1968-12-21, NBC, 108 min.
Live coverage of a million mile space odyssey from Earth, circling just 70 miles above the Moon's surface, by U.S. astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders. A mission beginning at Cape Kennedy on December 21st and concluding on December 27th with a splashdown in the Pacific, south of Hawaii. During that time, they will fly Apollo 8 to the Moon and circle ten times in a rehearsal for a manned landing in July 1969. Eighteen hours of coverage by NBC radio and television, including takeoff (Saturday, December 21) and landing (December 27).#7643: APOLLO 8 SPACE MISSION
Order1968-12-21, NBC, min.
Live coverage of the Apollo8 space mission, the first manned spacecraft to leave earth's orbit and reach the earth's moon, orbit it, and return safely to earth. Astronauts were Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders. Live coverage from 12-21-68 thru 12-24-68. Many hours of audio coverage recorded. Please request specific days and times...specific events, etc.
1968-12-21, NBC, min.
Live coverage of a million mile space odyssey from Earth, circling just 70 miles above the Moon's surface, by U.S. astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders. A mission beginning at Cape Kennedy on December 21st and concluding on December 27th with a splashdown in the Pacific, south of Hawaii. During that time, they will fly Apollo 8 to the Moon and circle ten times in a rehearsal for a manned landing in July 1969. Eighteen hours of coverage by NBC radio and television, including takeoff (Saturday, December 21) and landing (December 27). Duplicate of #6013
1968-12-21, NBC, 108 min.
Live coverage of a million mile space odyssey from Earth, circling just 70 miles above the Moon's surface, by U.S. astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders. A mission beginning at Cape Kennedy on December 21st and concluding on December 27th with a splashdown in the Pacific, south of Hawaii. During that time, they will fly Apollo 8 to the Moon and circle ten times in a rehearsal for a manned landing in July 1969. Eighteen hours of coverage by NBC radio and television, including takeoff (Saturday, December 21) and landing (December 27). Duplicate of 6013.
1968-12-21, , min.
Live coverage of the Apollo 8 moon flight with astronauts Jim Lovell, William Anders, and Frank Borman aboard.
1968-12-22, , min.
Special live coverage of the Apollo 8 moon flight.
1968-12-23, , min.
Pueblo crew is released Apollo 8 news Vietnam ceasefire Paris peace talks From NBC News: Chet Huntley and David Brinkley reporting Release of the Pueblo crew Apollo 8 news
1968-12-23, , min.
A special report on the progress of the Apollo 8 moon flight with astronauts Jim Lovell, Frank Borman, and William Anders aboard.
1968-12-24, , min.
Live coverage of the Apollo 8 moon flight as it circles the moon.
Order1968-12-24, CBS, min.
Live coverage of the Apollo 8 spaceflight as it circles the moon with astronauts James Lovell, William Anders, and Frank Borman aboard.
1968-12-24, NBC, 34 min.
SPECIAL live coverage of the Apollo 8 spaceflight's tour of the moon with astronauts James Lovell, Frank Borman, and William Anders aboard. Frank McGee and David Brinkley anchor this live broadcast as astronauts Frank Borman, William Anders and James Lovell describe the surface of the moon as they orbit the moon for the ninth time during their Apollo 8 mission, prior to preparing for their return to Earth the following morning. NASA space information officer, since 1958, Paul Haney, reports. All three astronauts give their impressions as they transmit live from the moon back to Earth aboard their space capsule. Described is a lunar vast lonely vista, a forbidding environment not one where people would want to live and work. Clouds of pumice stone are seen, craters and environment devoid of color. James Lovell states that he only appreciates all the more what we have on planet Earth. Additional descriptions by the astronauts include the Lunar sunrise, and sunsets, the moon's physical features including a horizon revealing a bright moon and a black sky. The astronauts pass over the "Sea of Crisis," amazingly smooth. There is a description of the curvature of the moon..."Sea of Tranquility," is observed, and a stark sunrise just coming up on the moon casting long shadows, as well as a revealing landing site that is smooth for future landings. This special broadcast concludes with each of the three astronauts reading from the biblical Book of Genesis. William Anders: "For all the people on Earth the crew of Apollo 8 has a message we would like to send you". "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness." Jim Lovell: "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day." Frank Borman: "And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good." Borman then added, "And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you - all of you on the good Earth."
Order1968-12-27, , min.
Special live coverage of the Apollo 8 splashdown with astronauts William Anders, Frank Borman, and James Lovell aboard. After circling the moon ten times, splashdown took place in the Pacific Ocean. Apollo 8 was the first manned spaceflight to orbit the moon.
1968-12-27, CBS, min.
CBS News special on the Apollo 8 moon flight and splashdown. Includes an excerpt from January 1st, 1958 with Walter Cronkite.
1968-12-28, CBS, min.
CBS News special report on the Apollo 8 astronauts James Lovell, Frank Borman, and William Anders in Hawaii.
1969-01-10, , min.
Sweden is the first Western country to recognize North Vietnam. New York City holds ticker tape parade for Apollo V111 astronauts, Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders.
#16011: APOLLO 8 NEWS
Order1975-12-26, , min.
Live coverage of the Apollo 8 moon flight.