Search Results
1 records found for William Roth
1971-01-17, CBS, min.
- Hubert H. Humphrey
- James L. Buckley
- Lawton Chiles
- J. Glenn Deall Jr.
- Lloyd Bensten Jr.
- William Brock 111
- William Roth
- Adlai Stevenson 111
- Robert Taft Jr.
- Lowell Weicker Jr.
"Meet The New Senators." Incoming Senators and their families are interviewed while attending a buffet dinner in Washington, D.C. Appearing are Senators J. Glenn Deall Jr, (Rep. Maryland), Lloyd M. Bensten Jr, (Dem. Texas), William Brock 111 (Rep, Tennessee), James L. Buckley (Conservative, NY), Lawton Chiles (Dem. Florida), Hubert Humphrey (Dem, Minn.), William Roth (Rep.Del), Adlai Stevenson 111 (Dem.Illinois), Robert Taft Jr. (Rep. Ohio), and Lowell Weicker Jr. (Rep. Conn).