Voices in The Headlines was an American news program broadcast on ABC radio featuring the top news stories of the day. It was hosted by long-time radio and television announcer Fred Foy.
A review of the week's news: Confusion on whether or not there is an arms buildup in Cuba, Congressmen Samuel Stratton, Senator Kenneth Keating, Secretary of Defense McNamara, and President Kennedy all comment on the matter. disunity in Europe due to French pressure for dominance under Charles De Gaulle, Queen Elizabeth snubs a visit to France, the French to boycott the disarmament talks, a government crisis in Canada resulting from US interference on nuclear arms, the US considers tax reform, unemployment, and job opportunities, President Kennedy starts a physical fitness program, starting with portly Pierre Salinger, SINA organization demands animals wear clothes for decency, comment by Mr. Able, rebels in Iraq overthrow General Qasim's government, Qasim is tried and shot.
Narrator: Fred Foy.
NOTE: Fred Foy, best known for his voicing the opening of THE LONE RANGER on radio joined the ABC TV announcing staff in New York in 1961. For ABC RADIO he narrated the award-winning news documentary, VOICES IN THE HEADLINES a 25-minute weekly wrap up of salient news events of the week with sound bites representing the news as it was recorded.