Voices in The Headlines was an American news program broadcast on ABC radio featuring the top news stories of the day. It was hosted by long-time radio and television announcer Fred Foy.
Topics: Charles De Gaulle recognizes Red China, comments by Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, and Karl Mundt, South Vietnam coup with a comment by President Johnson, problems in Cyprus, Saturn rocket sends satellite into orbit, Ranger rocket hits the moon but its TV fails, politics: comments from Scranton, Nixon, Goldwater, Rockefeller, Eisenhower, and Romney, Lone Ranger memorabilia. The final Lone Ranger radio show after 21 years on ABC radio.
Narrator: Fred Foy.
NOTE: Fred Foy, best known for his voicing the opening of THE LONE RANGER on radio joined the ABC TV announcing staff in New York in 1961. For ABC RADIO he narrated the award winning news documentary, VOICES IN THE HEADLINES a 25 minute weekly wrap up of salient news events of the week with sound bites representing the news as it was recorded.