March 13, 1967 - July 5, 1968 (Half Hour)
July 8, 1968 - February 23, 1979 (One Hour)
Bill Jorgensen was the founding and longtime anchor of New York City's FIRST PRIME TIME ONE HOUR WEEKLY NEWS BROADCAST premiering format on July 8, 1968. It began as a half hour News Broadcast anchored by Bill Jorgensen on March 13, 1967.
Heard in this rare television audio air check of 10 O'CLOCK NEWS, is a report on negotiations for a Vietnam ceasefire and total withdrawal. Also, a report concerning Cambodian international heroine drug ring operating in New Jersey. George McGovern campaigning, school bussing, Vice President Spiro Agnew campaigning in West Virginia, Elinor McGovern on the campaign trail in Texas, Watergate bugging case update, integration of school busing issue and a humorous report by Stuart Klein on opportunities to purchase for $350 an adventurous vacation in the Sahara Desert.
At the beginning of this broadcast we hear the iconic opening of the 10 O'CLOCK NEWS which has a voice over stating:
"It is 10 O'clock. Do you know where your children are?"