"All Star Wrestling" was a WWF television show which consisted of top tier or mid card opponents. The telecasts were taped and neatly edited into one hour programs which were syndicated. All matches were held at the Hamburg Field House in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Host & commentator at ringside is Vince McMahon Jr. joined by Antonino Rocca.
Joe McHugh is the ring announcer.
Interviews include Lou Albano, Toni Parisi, and Louis Cerdan.
-WWWF All Star Wrestling 2/15/76 (WRGB Albany feed airdate) (taped 1/7/76-original airdate 1/17/76)
Promo for Albany 2/20 - Vince McMahon interviews Ivan Putski
Joe McHugh intro
Superstar Billy Graham vs. Sylvano Sousa
Ivan Putski vs. Bugsy McGraw
Vince McMahon ringside interview with Tony Parisi & Louis Cerdan
Louis Cyr vs. Johnny Rivera
Ivan Koloff vs. Pete McKay
Promo for Albany 2/20 - Vince McMahon interviews Lou Albano
Ernie Ladd vs. Pete Sanchez
Vince McMahon & Antonio Rocca closing