June 18th, 1949-June 24th, 1951 (NBC)
This prime-time half-hour musical variety series, broadcast live from Chicago, introduced Dave Garroway to national television audiences. Other regulars Jack Haskell, Cliff Norton, Connie Russell, Betty Chappel, Jimmy Russell, and Aura Vainio. The show's trademarks were its spare sets (necessitated by a low budget), and humorous endings (such as Garroway announcing that the show was broadcast from Chicago, "the friendliest city in the world," then turning around to show a knife stuck in his back).
The theme song for this show was "Sentimental Journey" and Garroway's first guest was Louis Armstrong. It was seen on Sunday evenings from 10-10:30PM on NBC.
On this broadcast, Dave Garroway talks about the wondrous invention of television.
Theme song: "Sentimental Journey"