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1949-10-30, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray , Adam Clayton powell , Hazel Scott

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA.

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Guests: Adam Clayton Powell, Hazel Scott. 
1956-03-10, ABC, 2 min.
Bill Kemp , Fay Wray

Bill Kemp was an up and coming comic performer with a 1950s radio show heard on the ABC radio network. His daily radio show was expected to launch him into a television career, following a similar path to that of Merv Griffin. High powered guests such as Jonathan Winters, Ava Gardner, Will Jordan, and Robert Mitchum all made appearances on Kemp's show. Tragically, Kemp's television career never took off as he was plagued by a debilitating drinking problem. At times both Merv Griffin and Jim Backus, both of whom had radio shows on the ABC radio network at the time, would fill in for Kemp with "personal reasons" given for the absences. When the Bill Kemp radio show ended, he returned to his native Toronto, Canada home, his show business career ended. A sad ending to what could have been a very successful television career.

On this two-minute segment, there is mention of WOR-TV's "Million Dollar Movie" and the television debut of the 1933 movie release, "King Kong." In a comedic moment, actress Fay Wray is heard screaming during the movie. 
1958-09-15, WABC, min.
Ben Hecht , Robert L. Foreman

September 15, 1958-January 30, 1959 

This late night talk show aired on WABC television in New York. It's 25 minute time slot was 10:50pm to 11:15pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday evenings. On Wednesdays it would air for 15 minutes from 11:00pm to 11:15pm.

Ben Hecht, playwright, screen writer, novelist, presented this live 22 week nightly commentary show. The format included Hecht's airing his views on the world at large, chatting with guests from varied fields, including literature, politics, journalism. Topics covered included the influences of critics, the fate of the poet in America, and the Supreme Court. 

Host was author, journalist, screenwriter, director, and producer Ben Hecht.

His caustic comments would enrage some of the viewers while engaging others. In all, a total of 99 episodes were produced. 

NOTE: The four episodes of THE BEN HECHT SHOW, including the premiere (September 15, 1958) audio recorded at the time of the original broadcast and archived by Archival Television Audio, Inc. are the only extant examples in any broadcast form known representing this series with the exception of an audio air check  uploaded to you tube...a broadcast October 17, 1958 with Jack Kerouac.
No air checks exist in the Library of Congress, Paley Center for Media or UCLA Film & TV Archive. 

In this PREMIERE episode, host Ben Hecht talks to advertising executive Robert L. Foreman  about television commercials. 

NOTE: On February 15, 1958, writer Ben Hecht (1893-1964), a flamboyant and caustic social critic, appeared on
The Mike Wallace Interview. Wallace and his producer, Ted Yates, agreed that Hecht's personality was provocative
enough to be the basis of a television show. The Ben Hecht Show was born. For 22 weeks, Ben Hecht held forth on
a variety of subjects, enraging some, engaging many, in this short-lived television show.                                                                                                                              
1958-10-08, WABC, min.
Ben Hecht , Westbrook Pegler

September 15, 1958-January 30, 1959 

This late night talk show aired on WABC television in New York. It's 25 minute time slot was 10:50pm to 11:15pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday evenings. On Wednesdays it would air for 15 minutes from 11:00pm to 11:15pm.

Ben Hecht, playwright, screen writer, novelist, presented this live 22 week nightly commentary show. The format included Hecht's airing his views on the world at large, chatting with guests from varied fields, including literature, politics, journalism. Topics covered included the influences of critics, the fate of the poet in America, and the Supreme Court. 

Host was author, journalist, screenwriter, director, and producer Ben Hecht.

His caustic comments would enrage some of the viewers while engaging others. In all, a total of 99 episodes were produced. 

NOTE: The four episodes of THE BEN HECHT SHOW, including the premiere (September 15, 1958) audio recorded at the time of the original broadcast and archived by Archival Television Audio, Inc. are the only extant examples in any broadcast form known representing this series with the exception of a you tube uploaded TV Audio Air Check...a broadcast October 17, 1958 with Jack Kerouac. 

No air checks exist in the Library of Congress, Paley Center for Media or UCLA Film & TV Archive. 

Ben Hecht welcomes guest Westbrook Pegler. American journalist and writer. a popular columnist in the 1930s and 1940s, famed for his opposition to the New Deal and labor unions.  Pegler viciously attacks the judiciary, accuses them of being politicians, immoral, brutally arrogant, drunk with power, and wear awesome black robes. He thinks the Supreme Court judges are a cut below "speed-trap judges." 

NOTE: On February 15, 1958, writer Ben Hecht (1893-1964), a flamboyant and caustic social critic, appeared on
The Mike Wallace Interview. Wallace and his producer, Ted Yates, agreed that Hecht's personality was provocative
enough to be the basis of a television show. The Ben Hecht Show was born. For 22 weeks, Ben Hecht held forth on
a variety of subjects, enraging some, engaging many, in this short-lived television show.                                                                                                                            
1959-01-19, WABC, 45 min.
Jimmy Durante , Ben Hecht

September 15, 1958-january 30, 1959 

This short lived late night talk show aired on WABC Channel 7 television ONLY in New York. Produced by Mike Wallace. 

It occupied an unorthodox time slot, 25 minutes from 10:50pm to 11:15pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday evenings. On Wednesdays it would air for 15 minutes from 11:00pm to 11:15pm.

Ben Hecht, playwright, screen writer, novelist, presented this live 22 week nightly commentary show. The format included Hecht's airing his views on the world at large, chatting with guests from varied fields, including literature, politics, journalism. Topics covered included the influences of critics, the fate of the poet in America, and the Supreme Court. 

Host was author, journalist, screenwriter, director, and producer Ben Hecht.

His caustic comments would enrage some of the viewers while engaging others. In all, a total of 99 episodes were produced. 

NOTE: The four episodes of THE BEN HECHT SHOW, including the premiere (September 15, 1958) audio recorded at the time of the original broadcast and archived by Archival Television Audio, Inc. are the only extant examples in any broadcast form known representing this series with the exception of an uploaded to you tube audio only air check broadcast  October 17, 1958 with Jack Kerouac. 

No air checks exist in the Library of Congress, Paley Center for Media or UCLA Film & TV Archive. 

Ben Hecht welcomes guest Jimmy Durante in a two part broadcast, totaling 45 minutes combined, the first airing on January 19, and the second on January 20, 1959. Jimmy sits at the piano and converses with his old time pal Ben Hecht who interviews Durante who gives many anecdotes about his show business career and personal  life.

Jimmy plays many numbers he created over the decades. We feel we are in his parlor at home chatting and reminiscing with music, laughter and song. 

One of the most endearing, personal television appearances by Jimmy Durante.

A "lost" Television Broadcast. 
The only two part Ben Hecht Show broadcast in the series.   

NOTE: On February 15, 1958, writer Ben Hecht (1893-1964), a flamboyant and caustic social critic, appeared on
The Mike Wallace Interview. Wallace and his producer, Ted Yates, agreed that Hecht's personality was provocative
enough to be the basis of a television show. The Ben Hecht Show was born. For 22 weeks, Ben Hecht held forth on
a variety of subjects, enraging some, engaging many, in this short-lived television show.                                                                                                                                         
1959-01-20, ABC, 47 min.
Jimmy Durante , Ben Hecht

   The Ben Hecht Show September 15, 1958 - February 6, 1959 

Slotted in a most unusual time period by ABC television 
(10:50pm - 11:15pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and 11:00pm - 11:15pm Wednesday nights) this series of 25 minute and 15 minute broadcasts with Ben Hecht, ran only for 22 weeks. 
A little over 100 broadcasts were telecast  of which only one known episode survives as a kinescope. 

Ben Hecht whose motion picture and journalistic career brought him in touch with scores of celebrities in films, television, politics and the social set. Many of his guests are personal friends and that relationship provides for a very informal wonderful discourse during most interviews when discussing  a variety of subjects; often enraging some, engaging many. His comments were often entertaining, defiant, realistic and iconoclastic. A rare approach to a commentary / talk show for even the late 1950's. 

Two back to back broadcasts with Jimmy Durante are included in this archived series. The first program aired on January 19, 1959 followed by a follow up broadcast airing the following night, January 20, 1959. This very revealing special interview by Ben Hecht of his long time friend Jimmy Durante is a treasure. 
Durante sits at that piano discussing his career and recalling a myriad of anecdotes related to his life and times, and  plays melody's that personify the music he has been associated with during his long history in show business. 

One of the rare jewels in the archive of Archival Television Audio. 
1959-10-26, , min.
Roy Campanella

Private audio recording at a luncheon given for former Brooklyn Dodger catcher Roy Campanella who was promoting his new book, "It's Good To Be Alive." 
1960-03-10, WMCA, 40 min.
Barry Gray , Malcolm X

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA.

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Guest: Malcolm X. 
1960-05-14, WOR, min.
Joey Adams , Joe Rosenfeld

1951-1959-WABC RADIO, 1960- WOR RADIO

Big Joe's Radio Exchange was a radio talk/music program hosted by Joe (Big Joe) Rosenfeld. First heard on WABC radio in 1951 before it became a top-40 music station until 1959. it moved for a short period of time to WOR radio in 1960 where it was heard from 2 AM to 5 AM. It was a local New York City-based program.

The guest tonight is Joey Adams.                                                   
1960-07-22, , min.
Barry Gray

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Topic: The Congo terror.                                      
1961-03-13, WMCA, 6 min.
Jack Paar , Ed Sullivan , Jackie Kannon , Barry Gray

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA.

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

We hear Jack Paar concluding his Tonight Show NBC TV broadcast stating that Ed Sullivan is a liar and he must suffer publicly for his actions. Paar mentions that he requests NBC not to delete what he has just said when his show, on Tape, is aired this evening. 

The final five minutes of The Barry Gray Show at 12:55am (March 14, 1961, WMCA Radio) is heard, two hours after Paar's Tonight Show has been broadcast. Ed Sullivan emphatically tells Gray, by phone,  that he is not a bully and that Paar can call him any name he desires. 
Barry Gray's in studio  guest Jackie Kannon states his impressions about the Paar/Sullivan feud.
1962-06-06, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray , George Hicks

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Barry Gray interviews D-Day reporter George Hicks, he recalls the moment in 1944 "as an awful waste."                                                               
1962-08-30, WOR, min.
Barry Farber , Dan Bergman

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Barry Farber interviews reporter Dan Bergman, the topic is Castro's Cuba. Commentary on the future of Castro, recent hit and run raids on the island, Russians in Cuba, and predicts a bloody overthrow of Castro. Bergman says Krushchev will not fight for Castro.
1962-12-12, , min.
Jackie Gleason , David Susskind , Hugh Hefner , Barry Gray

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Today's topic: The Playboy Club opens in New York City. David Susskind, Hugh Hefner,(owner of the Playboy Club) Barry Gray, and Jackie Gleason discuss the opening.                                                                                         
1963-01-26, WMCA, 30 min.
Peter Lorre , Boris Karloff , Frankenstein , Barry Gray , Mr. Simon , John F. X. Condon

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA.

This episode was divided into two segments. The first deals with Congress and its interest in creating a bill to ban professional boxing in the wake of many boxers having died in the ring...nine since 1953.

Guest is John F. X. Condon, publicity director of boxing at Madison Square Garden, and congressman Simon who is behind the bill to forever abolish boxing.

The last 8 minutes of this archived tape provides a rare personal glimpse of Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre. Karloff discusses the origins of his Frankenstein role and how he got the part, his early acting experiences going all the way back to 1910, his English accent, and leading parts in plays such as Charlie's Aunt.

Peter Lorre discusses his screen persona as one who has been typecast playing villains, but which has provided him a good living as an actor. His latest release, The Raven is mentioned as well as his friendship with Vincent Price. Lorre discusses his association with the world of Art Paintings and today’s challenges finding good works of art to purchase, and speculations.

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Topic: A discussion on the outlawing of professional boxing.
Barry Gray also speaks with Peter Lorre and Boris Karloff.
1963-03-10, WMCA, 4 min.
Barry Gray

  Slum housing in Negro and Puerto Rican neighborhoods is discussed.        
1963-03-27, WMCA, 32 min.
David Susskind , Abby Mann , Celeste Holm , Barry Gray , Martin Pohl , Harold Rand , David Slavitt

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Topic: Barry Gray discusses the virtue of the Academy Awards with guests David Susskind, Celeste Holme, Abby Mann and others.                                                               
1963-04-04, WOR, 15 min.
Barry Farber , William Fugazy , Laura Berkowitz

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Barry Farber interviews William Fugazy. Fugazy comments on the current deplorable racket-ridden state of professional boxing. Also, Laura Berkowitz reports on her trip to Castro's Cuba.
1963-04-10, , min.
Barry Gray , George W. Anderson

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Topic: The US nuclear submarine "Thresher." Barry Gray on the phone seeking official information on the "Thresher." Interview with Admiral George W. Anderson  concerning the "Thresher."                                                                                           
1963-05-07, WOR, min.
Barry Farber , Fidel Castro , Jose Miro Cardona

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Jose Miro Cardona former leader of the Cuban exile group talks about Cuba and communism, debate on current Israeli-Arab problems.
1963-05-09, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray , Kenneth Keating , Wyatt Tee Walker , Samuel S. Stratton

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Topic: The racial strife in Birmingham, Alabama. Barry Gray talks with negro minister Wyatt Tee Walker about the racial strife in Birmingham, also interviewed New York, Congressman Samuel S. Stratton. He talks about and attacks New York Republican Senator Kenneth Keating.                                                     
1963-05-13, WOR, min.
Barry Farber , Henry Adler , Frank Meyer

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

A debate between Frank Meyer (a conservative) and Henry Adler (a liberal) on politics, racial strife, etc.

Host: Barry Farber.
1963-05-24, WOR, 9 min.
Barry Farber , William F. Buckley Jr.

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Barry Farber interviews conservative William F. Buckley Jr.
1963-05-28, WOR, min.
Barry Farber , John Tully

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Barry Farber interviews John Tully. Comment on Neo-Nazis and hate groups, comments on the attitude of the US today on welfare, and the feelings of others.
1963-06-12, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Barry Gray and others comment on President Kennedy's civil rights speech and other civil rights matters.                                                                         
1963-06-28, WOR, min.
Barry Farber , Malcolm X , Allan P. Robinson

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Barry Farber interviews Malcolm X and Allan P. Robinson, an associate editor of Jet, the popular African American weekly magazine who often appeared on broadcast panels with Malcolm X.
There is an ad for "Dr. No," the latest James Bond film. 
1963-08-23, WOR, min.
Barry Farber

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Topic: Problems in Vietnam: The Viet Cong and the Buddhists uprising.
1963-09-20, WOR, min.
John F. Kennedy , Barry Farber , Victor Lasky

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Barry Farber interviews writer Victor Lasky who is a sharp critic of President Kennedy. He discusses his book and his opinions of Kennedy.
1963-10-21, WOR, 39 min.
Barry Farber , Nelson Algren , William F. Buckley Jr.

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

A debate between William F. Buckley Jr. and writer Nelson Algren who wrote the novel "The Man With The Golden Arm." 
1963-11-24, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray , Leo Cherne

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Barry Gray's guest is Leo Cherne. They discuss the events that took place this past weekend involving the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the shooting of alledged Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. 
Barry Gray states that 100 years from today this past weekend will be written about!"  

Note: Leo Cherne was an American economist and public servant.                                                                          
1963-11-25, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray , Morris Ernst

Barry Gray talks with attorney Morris Ernst about the JFK assassination. 

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA.

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.
1963-12-02, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.                                                                                             
1963-12-09, WOR, min.
Barry Farber , Ed Reid

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Guest: Journalist Ed Reid who discusses organized crime in Las Vegas.

Host: Barry Farber.
1963-12-15, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Host: Barry Gray.                                                                                                    
1963-12-17, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Host: Barry Gray.                                                                                                                                                                     
1964-01-07, WOR, min.
Vaughn Meader , Barry Farber

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Barry Farber interviews John F. Kennedy impersonator Vaughn Meader.
1964-02-10, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray , The Beatles , Howard Samuels

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Topic: Comments on the Beatles. Also, Howard Samuels on the current political picture.                                                 
1964-02-27, WOR, min.
Barry Farber , Ed Reid , Dickey Chapelle

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Barry Farber talks with author Ed Reid who says boxing is a hoax, especially the Clay-Liston fight, he also claims that off-track betting proposed in New York City won't work-a hoax. Photojournalist Dickey Chapelle is also interviewed.
1964-04-13, WMCA, min.
Howard Cosell , Barry Gray

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Barry's guest is Howard Cosell. 

Host: Barry Gray.                                                                                                                 
1964-06-19, WMCA, 9 min.
Mort Sahl , Jacob Javits , Edward Kennedy , Barry Gray , Kevin Powers

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Barry's guest is comedian Mort Sahl who is interrupted by a news bulletin about a plane crash in South Hampton Massachusetts  involving Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts. There is a second bulletin. We hear Kevin Powers announcement of the crash in more detail. Senator Edward Kennedy is reported in serious condition. 

There are two others in the plane which crashed at 11:35pm EST.  We learn from Barry Gray who returns to the studio after hearing about the crash on the radio in his car heading home, after his live broadcast, which ended at !1:30pm on which  he talked with Senator Jacob Javits at 11:25pm.  Following the conclusion of this live broadcast, a pre-recorded Barry Gray show followed with Mort Sahl which is interrupted with the bulletins. 

Barry Gray hearing this on his car radio, driving home, returns to the studio.  WMCA transmits live on which Barry Gray calls Senator Jacob Javits on the phone, telling him of the news, and getting his reaction. 

NOTE: This radio program was broadcast with, at times, severe original transmission static. Phil Gries (Archival Television Audio, Inc.) has reduced a lot of the static, as much as possible, making this rare broadcast quite discernable and extant.                                                                                                                                                      
1964-06-22, WMCA, 6 min.
Mort Sahl , Barry Gray

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Barry's guest is Mort Sahl. They discuss the current political scene. 

Host: Barry Gray.                                                                                                                                           
1964-07-16, WNBC, 5 min.
Brad Crandall , Bill Mazer

Brad Crandall (born Robert Lee Bradley; August 6, 1927 – March 14, 1991) was an American radio personality, voice-over announcer, and film narrator, best known for his radio show on WNBC in New York City, which aired from March 1964 to September 1971.

March, 1964-September 1971 (WNBC Radio)

A rare example of Brad Crandall pulling no punches with a caller to his evening radio talk show. The caller compares Crandall to a more gracious other talk show host, Bill Mazer, classifying Crandall as rude and abrupt with his audience, at times cutting them off and hanging up on them. Brad Crandall defends his demeanor and states his philosophy and his telephone etiquette  when conversing with the public. 

Brad Crandall was an American conservative radio talk show host most remembered for his weekday night radio show heard on WNBC in New York City. Crandall's radio show debuted the same day Bill Mazer's late-afternoon phone-in sports talk show began on the station.
Crandall was known for his right-wing views which would sometimes lead to heated debates among his more liberal left-wing callers. He also performed commercial voice-overs and film narrations. 

NOTE: While a handful of MONITOR broadcasts are extant with Bill Crandall hosting, none of his WNBC BILL CRANDALL SHOW radio broadcasts are known to exist in the archives' of the Paley Center for Media, UCLA Film & TV Archives, The Library of Congress, private collections or on the internet via you tube.                                                  
1964-09-18, WABC, 26 min.
The Beatles , Bill Beutel , Bruce Morrow , Scott Muni

Bill Beutel, Bruce Morrow and Scott Muni review the Beatles craze in this special. 
Along with studio evaluations as to why the Beatles craze is so escalated, there are on site location recordings prior to the Beatles Forest Hills concert...on location recordings during the making of HARD DAY'S NIGHT, many interviews with the Beatles, reactions from  Beatle fans, and Press conferences with the fabulous fore-some. Two complete Beatle songs are played. 
Included in this air check is one complete Pepsi Cola commercial who sponsored this program.                         
1964-10-12, WMCA, 45 min.
Vaughn Meader , Barry Gray , Robert F Kennedy , Averell Harriman , William S Canon , Theodore Tennewald , Edward N Costikyan

Radio talk show host Barry Gray interviews Rev William S Canon, comedian Vaughn Meader, New York City Democratic leader Edward N Costikyan, and judge Theodore Tennewald.

Gray plays excerpts of candid audio recordings talking to Senator Robert F Kennedy briefing Governor Averell Harriman about the Valachi probe.             
1964-10-13, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray , Robert F. Kennedy

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Campaigning with Robert F. Kennedy.

Host: Barry Gray.                                                                                                                                                                     
1964-10-29, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray , Robert Kennedy , Kenneth Keating

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA. 

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late-night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Tonight's broadcast: Comment on Kennedy-Keating fracas, (Keating debating an "empty chair.") 

Host: Barry Gray.                                                                                                                                           
1965-01-00, WMCA, min.
Barry Gray , Leon Ameer

Barry Gray was an American radio personality, often referred to as "the father of talk radio." His late-night New York City radio talk show was carried by WOR radio and then later by WMCA.

Barry Gray returned to WMCA in 1950, and stayed there for 39 years, refining the talk show format still utilized today. During the 1960s, he was in the odd position of having an 11 p.m.-1 a.m. late night talk show on a station otherwise dominated by Top 40 music and the youth-targeted "Good Guys" disc jockey campaign. But for teenagers who kept their radios on into the night, Gray's show was a window into the high-brow New York culture of the 1940s and 1950s.

Guest: Leon Ameer of the Black Muslims. 
1965-02-08, WOR, min.
Barry Farber , Victor Riesel

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Guest: Journalist Victor Riesel. 
1965-06-07, WOR, 44 min.
Barry Farber , Ossie Davis

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Guest is Ossie Davis who speaks with Barry Farber about the war in Vietnam. 
1965-06-11, WOR, 39 min.
Barry Farber , Victor Riesel

Barry Farber was an American conservative radio talk show host. He produced the Tex and Jinx radio program which starred Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg. The show was heard weeknights on WNBC radio from 10:30 PM to midnight. Farber was also an author and commentator who wrote for various US newspapers. He was ranked the ninth greatest talk show host of all time by Talkers Magazine. He joined WOR radio in 1962 after a stint at 1010 WINS radio in New York City. When Farber left WOR radio he joined WMCA radio in New York City for an afternoon drive time show that lasted until 1989 when WMCA changed its format to a Christian radio station. 

Guest: Journalist Victor Riesel who discusses the war in Vietnam with host Barry Farber.
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